PLC Parents fosters friendships within the School community. We are inclusive of all existing and new parents to the School. We support the School’s ethos of a caring, warm and nurturing environment for our girls, parents and the wider school community.
PLC Parents supports volunteers who take on roles to promote the friend-raising philosophy such as Year Representatives, New Parent Liaisons and the positions that organise other activities, some of which are fundraisers; some are purely to provide social gatherings; others to provide support within the School community such as:
- Orientation Day
- Welcome Morning
- School Quiz Night
- Open Garden Day
- Outdoor Cinema Evening
- Pastoral Care for families in need
- Parents Tennis Morning
- Valedictory Dinner
- Country Day Trip
- Year 10 Social
- Year 11 Dance
- Year 12 Ball
PLC Parents also raises funds to be invested into the School for non-core curriculum expenditure. In the past, funds have been used to pay for fans in the Junior School Sport and Recreation Centre, umbrellas in the Senior School Quad, Writers in Residence programme in the Junior School and PLC-branded marquees for use at School events. Funding is raised through voluntary subscriptions and Term Fee Draws in families’ quarterly Tuition Fee Accounts, as well as through major fundraising events, such as Open Garden Day.
PLC Parents Meetings
PLC Parents meetings are held at least once per term, and all parents and carers of currently enrolled students are warmly invited to attend in person, or to join the meeting virtually where possible. Details of timing, location and virtual meeting details are advertised ahead of each meeting. At the conclusion of each meeting, refreshments are served to allow time to catch up with other parents.
PLC Parents Meetings 2024
Term 1 – Monday 26 February 6:00 pm (Lighthouse)
Term 2 – Monday 6 May 10:00 am (Boarding House)
Term 3 – Wednesday 7 August 6:00 pm (Lighthouse)
Term 4 – Wednesday 6 November 6:00 pm (Lighthouse) AGM
The PLC Principal attends meetings to give an update of what is happening or planned to happen at PLC, along with other invited staff members and guest speakers from the PLC community who provide PLC Parents with an insight into life within the many areas of the School. A representative of the Office of Communications & Engagement (C&E) is also in attendance. All PLC parents and carers are encouraged to attend meetings including all Year Representatives and other PLC Parents representatives.