PLC value, support and celebrate diversity and recognise the contribution international students make to the life of the School. We are committed to creating an atmosphere of belonging for all students.

International Students at PLC

Presbyterian Ladies’ College (PLC Perth) is an approved school to accept Full Fee Paying Overseas Students. PLC Perth value, support and celebrate diversity and recognise the contribution international students make to the life of the School. We are committed to creating an atmosphere of belonging for all students. Each year we welcome girls from countries all over the world, including China, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Indonesia amongst others.

Students are allocated places via the standard, non-discriminatory enrolment procedure. The maximum number of international students that PLC Perth can have enrolled at any one time is specified by the Department of Education. Pre-enrolment information, including the rights and responsibilities of both parties, is outlined in the International Students Handbook, Fees and Charges and Enrolment Application.

PLC Boarding House

Unless staying with a parent or eligible relative in Perth, international students are required to reside in the School’s boarding house. This ensures that the appropriate accommodation, care and support are available whilst the international students are away from their family homes. The Head of Boarding, her staff, and the School’s pastoral care staff care for your daughter whilst she is at School.

All international students are to have a family-appointed local guardian. The School will take responsibility for the care and well-being of the international student once she has been signed in to the boarding house by the local guardian, and the School will relinquish responsibility when the local guardian signs the student out at the end of the academic term, during mid-term or for approved weekend leave.

Studying in Australia

The Australian Government wants overseas students in Australia to have a safe, enjoyable and rewarding place to study. Australia’s laws promote quality education and consumer protection for overseas students. These laws are known as the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) framework. Links to ESOS and other government services are provided in the Quick Links.

English Language Proficiency

If English is not your daughter’s first language we will ask her to take a test with the Australian Education Assessment Services (AEAS). AEAS test results provide detail regarding the student’s English language proficiency and their general ability. The AEAS Report will be considered alongside other information provided by the family when reviewing the student’s application. AEAS Testing is available around the world, and students can register online. Alternatively, your agent may be able to assist you with the registration process. For further information, please click here.

Following the results of the AEAS test, we may request that your daughter completes an intensive English Language course before commencing at PLC Perth.

Globally Recognised Educational Framework

PLC is an internationally-minded school and provides two globally recognised curriculum:

  1. International Baccalaureate (PLC is the only all-girls’ school in WA to offer this model)
  2. Western Australian Certificate of Education

Education Agents

PLC Perth does not have formal agreements with Education Agents. However, we will liaise with Agents as required, on behalf of their clients, but no formal contract will be entered.

Enrolling Your Daughter

To enrol your daughter follow the steps in the Enrolment section.


PLC Perth is compliant with the Education Service Providers (Full Fee Overseas Students) Registration Act 1991 (ESPRA), the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS) and the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018.