When we say ‘AT PLC, IT’S PERSONAL’, we mean it.
When choosing a school for your daughter it is important to ensure she is going to be happy. Our individual approach to every student’s learning is crucial to what we do, and we invite girls to visit us and see first-hand exactly what that means. The best way to find out if PLC is a perfect fit, is for her to come and spend the day, make new friends and enjoy finding out what makes PLC unique. Discovery Days are available for students in all year levels, from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12.
Junior School
In Junior School, your daughter can spend the morning inside her year level classroom, making new friends and enjoying being a PLC girl. Call Molly on 08 9424 6413 or email molly.atterton@plc.wa.edu.au to organise a date and time that best suits you.
Senior School
We invite prospective PLC girls to come and spend the day with their year group, moving from class to class, trying subjects such as Dance and Woodwork, and making new friends.
Call our Registrar, Molly, on 08 9424 6413 or email molly.atterton@plc.wa.edu.au to organise a date and time that best suits you.