Welcome to the PLC Junior School

Having happy students who are known, feel cared for and valued as individuals is important to us. Once our students have a circle of friends to support them and in which they feel that they belong, they are set to go about the ‘real’ business of school – learning!

The Junior School Team

Geraldine Drabble, Head of Junior School, leads the Junior School Leadership Team. She is supported by two Pastoral and Academic Care Co-ordinators (PACCs), Jenny Rickwood (Pre-Kindergarten to Year 2) and Katy Howes (Years 3 to 6). The PACCs manage the pastoral and academic programmes of their phase and co-ordinate the International Baccalaureate’s Primary Years Programme. The team work closely with Junior School class teachers and specialists teachers to create an engaging, challenging, relevant and significant academic programme underpinned by the PYP and pastorally support each student. Geraldine, Jenny and Katy work to make the Junior School a happy, fun, and safe learning environment where the entire community join together for the benefit of our children.


International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP)

PLC uses the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP), for students aged 3 to 12. Through emphasis on the whole child, PYP students are encouraged to be active, caring, lifelong learners with personal, positive attributes and the capacity to take responsible action.

The PYP is taught in over 109 countries (over 5000 schools) with the framework being uniquely adaptable to state and national standards. The Australian Curriculum is taught using the PYP framework to deliver the curriculum in a relevant, rigorous and engaging way.

The programme incorporates local and global issues into the curriculum, asking students to look at six related, trans-disciplinary themes and to consider the links between them. They are described as trans-disciplinary because they focus on issues that go across subject areas. The aim of the programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognising their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.

Find out more about the IB PYP here.


Learn More

Find out more about our exceptional Junior School by clicking the links below.


We would love to see you at PLC for a Registrar’s Tour or one of our Community Tours.

Have a question? Our Admissions Team are always happy to help and can be contacted via registrar@plc.wa.edu.au or (08) 9424 6413.