In the Develop ME programme, we focus on building core skills and understandings to create a strong foundation, enabling the girls to mature and move confidently into the Define ME programme in Years 9 – 10.
We understand the importance of developing friendships and ensuring our girls feel a strong sense of belonging within our Senior School and design our programmes to support this.
Becoming an independent learner is critical to future success and in the Develop ME programme we teach organisational skills, study skills, assist our girls with goal setting and begin the process of developing each girls’ unique learning style.
In addition to subject studies, all girls participate in Outdoor Education programmes in Years 7 – 8 and are expected to become involved in both the Service Learning Programme and Sport.
Building Understanding Through Knowledge and Skills
In Years 7 and 8 girls learn through a concept-based, inquiry driven framework. Expert subject-based knowledge and skills are framed around deep, transferable understandings and real-life situations. Students are engaged as active participants in their learning: content, skills and understandings are constructed, applied and refined as a group in the shared quest for “truth”.
Learning is refined through a cycle of pre-testing, inquiry, feedback and reflection.
Assessment is not just of learning, but also for learning and is recorded and presented to students and parents in such a way to maximise students’ ability to improve their performance.
Broad-Based Curriculum
As our girls commence their Senior Schooling, they have an opportunity to experience a wide array of subjects, allowing them to develop their interests.
Our broad-based curriculum enables all girls in Years 7 – 8 to study:
- Mathematics
- Science
- Language and Literature
- Humanities
- Music
- Dance
- Drama
- Media
- Visual Arts
- Digital Technologies
- Textiles
- Food Science
- Woodwork
- Wellbeing lessons that develop core pathways to high functioning and flourishing
- Health and Physical Education