Our Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten are special places where imagineering and learning go hand in hand.
It is the perfect place for an excellent educational start to school life. The programme is designed to engage curious young minds where inquiry, imagination, creativity and the wonder of learning matters.
PLC caters for both boys and girls in Pre-Kindergarten (3 years old) and Kindergarten (4 years old). Students in Pre-Kindergarten attend three days per week (Monday – Wednesday), with a four or five day option often offered in Semester 2. Students in Kindergarten attend five days per week.
Our approach is to discover, recognise and respond to the individual child’s strength, passions and contributions. Children each have their own stories to tell and are respected as being fully formed right now rather than in a state of ‘becoming’. Habits of minds are cultivated and thinking is extended. Boundaries, structures and routines are provided to optimise childhood.
Our programme is specifically designed to engage students in authentic learning for sustained periods of time. In this way students feel valued as a unique being in the process of discovering themselves.
Find out more about our exceptional Primary Years Programme by clicking the ‘drop down’ menus below.
PLC uses the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP), for students aged 3 to 12. Through emphasis on the whole child, PYP students are encouraged to be active, caring, lifelong learners with personal, positive attributes and the capacity to take responsible action.
The PYP is taught in over 109 countries (over 5000 schools) with the framework being uniquely adaptable to state and national standards. The Australian Curriculum is taught using the PYP framework to deliver the curriculum in a relevant, rigorous and engaging way.
The programme incorporates local and global issues into the curriculum, asking students to look at six related, trans-disciplinary themes and to consider the links between them. They are described as trans-disciplinary because they focus on issues that go across subject areas. The aim of the programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognising their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.
Find out more about the IB PYP here.
PLC Perth has superb facilities, however, our programmes are what we are most proud of. Our littlest students enjoy a range of subjects taught by dedicated, highly qualified specialist teachers, including Music, French & Physical Education every day.
Numeracy, Literacy and STEM
In Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten, we believe in honouring childhood, and with this philosophy, our approach to numeracy, literacy and STEM is underpinned with the key principles of play-based learning. Students participate in a range of hands-on learning engagements using a range of materials in a variety of environments, incorporating the inside-outside-and-beyond approach.
Through our Music Every Day Programme, students learn musical knowledge and develop understanding through singing, playing and moving activities. The programme supports the development of literacy and numeracy skills, social skills, gross and find motor skills and cultural understandings.
Students begin to explore their singing voice using rhymes and simple songs, with the focus on developing tuneful and correct singing technique. Movement, games and simple percussion instruments are also incorporated into these lessons to provide an engaging and holistic foundation for future music learning.
More information in our Music Handbook here.
French language is taught everyday in Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten. Exposure to and experience with languages, with all their richness and diversity, creates an inquisitiveness about life and learning and encourages our students to become global citizens.
We begin our wellbeing journey using Kimochis. Kimochi (KEY-MOE-CHEE) is a Japanese word meaning ‘feelings’. Kimochis look like toys but they are communication tools which give children the knowledge, skills and attitudes that they need to recognise and manage their emotions. The recognising of such emotions then lead to demonstrating care and concern for others; in establishing and building strong, positive relationships in a safe place of belonging, where all students flourish and grow together.
Outdoor Education
Our ‘Wild Space’ education programme run on the banks of the beautiful Swan River, provides maximum opportunity for learning outdoors, inclusive of appropriate levels of risk and challenge. Visits to the PLC Wild Space allows our students to connect to nature and engages them through questioning, wondering and playing in authentic settings.
PLC offers a diverse range of co-curricular opportunities before & after school. Students are able to enrol in our co-curricular programme from the age of 4.
Our timetable varies each term, so please reach out to our Admissions Team if you’d like to know more about these options.
Some examples are:
- KidzNSport
- Speckles Arty Class
- Yoga Bears
- Dance All Stars
- Suzuki String Groups
Extension and Support
At PLC, extension and support is inclusive. Our Learning Enrichment Centre staff work with the classroom teachers to provide personalised services to our Junior School students.
Allied Health-Services
Speech Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Psychology and Physiotherapy services are available to students and staff at the PLC Lighthouse. Find out more here.
Scotch College
Our brother school is Scotch College. Many of our boys in Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten move on to Scotch. Our Junior School students collaborate regularly with their Scotch friends, forming life-long friendships from a young age.
Visit Us to Experience the PLC Difference
Although our website will give you a good feel for the School, PLC is so much more. We invite you to visit our campus, meet our staff and students, and experience all that makes PLC a special place.