PLC enjoys an enviable reputation for its highly professional and entertaining Drama productions.
The aim of our Drama programme is to build students’ proficiency in all facets of dramatic performance, so as to maximise competencies, skills and capacities, and to develop within each student a lifelong appreciation of theatre, to enrich their lives and the lives of others.
Each student’s creative ability is stimulated and nurtured by activities that can include acting, direction, dramaturgy, stage management, set design, costume, lighting, properties, make-up and sound.
At PLC, we recognise and support the important role Drama plays in our lives. We all experience ‘real life’ drama in the form of our own personal experiences as well as ‘real life’ drama in the news and current affairs. We are also exposed to fictional drama in film, on television, and in the theatre. By studying Drama’s impact on our culture we are empowered to critically and objectively judge their intentions.
Curricular and Co-Curricular Programmes
All students are able to be involved in Curricular and Co-curricular performance activities. Drama is a compulsory subject for Years 7 and 8 students, and becomes an elective from Year 9 to Year 12.
The Drama Department offers both, Drama ATAR (WACE) and Theatre (International Baccalaureate Diploma) as part of the Year 11 and Year 12 Curriculum.
Each year, PLC students have the opportunity to participate in a Years 7 to 9, or a Years 10 to 12 drama production or musical. Recent notable productions include Footloose, Mamma Mia!, Hairspray, Legally Blonde, Into the Woods, and Chicago.