Getting to PLC
PLC is well serviced by buses and the nearby Cottesloe train station. However, we recognise that there are some areas that are not a direct route to PLC. To meet the needs of these students we provide bus services to certain areas.
PLC Bus Services
This year, we will be again be sharing some of our services with Scotch College and St Hilda’s.
Please note that while some of the bus routes pass other schools, these bus services are strictly for only PLC, Scotch College, and St Hilda’s students.
PLC Perth’s dedicated Horizons West buses operate with an e-ticketing platform using your daughter’s SmartRider to pay for the service.
The first step is to ensure your daughter’s SmartRider is activated. Students can do this by taking their SmartRider card to the Tech Centre where our staff will do this. A helpful infographic on using your PLC SmartRider can be accessed here.
Then please click here to create an account. Parents are asked to do this themselves; not the student. A step-by-step guide on how to create this account can be accessed here.
Once you have set up this account, parents are welcome to download the Swype app which has a bus tracking capability. This app also allows you to top up credit. The Swype App User Guide can be found here.
Any enquiries regarding the bus services should be directed to PLC Communications & Engagement at
Nedlands | Dalkeith
We are pleased to offer this trial bus for Term 1 2025, with continuation subject to PLC uptake.
AM Nedlands Route
**Please note, this service requires PLC students to disembark at Scotch College and transfer to the Northern Bus Route for the last stop to PLC.
Students to make their way to the Scotch Middle School Slipway on the opposite side of Shenton Rd (please cross Shenton Rd via the Scotch Underpass)
Stop 14: PLC Perth – 8.20 am
PM Nedlands Route
**Please note, this service requires PLC students to catch the Northern Route Bus from PLC and disembark at Scotch College to transfer to this Nedlands Route.
**PLC students to catch the Northern Route Bus and disembark at Scotch College to transfer to this Nedlands Route.
Northern Bus Route:
Stop 1: PLC Perth – 3.35 pm
Stop 2: Scotch College Middle School Slipway – 3.45 pm
Disembark Northern Bus and wait for Nedlands Bus.
Nedlands Bus Route:
Stop 1: Scotch College (slip lane outside Middle School) – 3.57 pm
Stop 2: Bus Stop 19534, Stirling Rd after Gugeri St – 4.02 pm
Stop 3: Bus Stop 17672, Victoria Ave before Bay Rd – 4.05 pm
Stop 4: Bus Stop 17622 Princess Rd before Waroonga Rd – 4.09 pm
Stop 5: Bus Stop 17645 Waratah ave, Just After Adelma – 4.11 pm
Stop 6: Bus Stop 17648, Warratah Ave after Browne Av – 4.13 pm
Stop 7: Bus Stop 17586, Broadway after Hillway – 4.17 pm
Stop 8: Bus Stop 17591, Broadway after Clark St – 4.20 pm
Duncraig | Karrinyup | Doubleview | Scarborough | Wembley Downs | City Beach | Swanbourne | Peppermint Grove
Click here for more information on the Northern Bus Route.
The AM Subiaco Bus Service Route services:
West Perth | Subiaco | Shenton Park | Nedlands | Claremont | Swanbourne | Cottesloe | Peppermint Grove
The PM Subiaco Bus Service Route services:
Peppermint Grove | Cottesloe | Swanbourne | Claremont | Nedlands | Shenton Park | Subiaco | West Perth
The AM North Coogee Bus Route services:
North Coogee | South Fremantle | White Gum Valley | East Fremantle | Mosman Park | Peppermint Grove
The PM Coogee Bus Route services:
Peppermint Grove | Mosman Park | East Fremantle | White Gum Valley | Beaconsfield | North Coogee
The AM South Perth Bus Services:
Victoria Park | Como | South Perth | Applecross | Alfred Cove | Attadale | Bicton | Fremantle | Mosman Park | Peppermint Grove
The PM South Perth Bus Services:
Peppermint Grove | Mosman Park | Fremantle | Bicton | Attadale | Alfred Cove | Applecross | South Perth | Como | Victoria Park
Click here for more information on the South Perth Bus service
The AM West Leederville Bus Route services:
West Leederville | Wembley | Floreat | Mt Claremont | Swanbourne | Claremont | Peppermint Grove
The PM West Leederville Bus Route services:
Peppermint Grove | Claremont | Swanbourne | Mt Claremont | Floreat | Wembley | West Leederville
Click here for more information on the West Leederville Bus service
Before School
- PLC to Scotch
Departs 8.10 am outside the Boarding House on View Street arriving at Scotch at approximately 8.25 am (please be at PLC at 8.00 am). This Shuttle Service is a continuation of the Coogee Bus Service. - Scotch to PLC
Departs 7.45 am from Shenton Road (Senior School side, adjacent to the underpass) and arrives at PLC at approximately 8.00 am (please be at Scotch College by 7.40 am). This Shuttle Service is a continuation of the West Leederville Bus Route.
After School
- PLC to Scotch
Use existing Transperth Services (707, 708 and 709). - Scotch to PLC
Departs Scotch College, Shenton Rd (slip road, Middle School side) at 3.35 pm and arrives at PLC at approximately 3.50 pm. Students should arrive at the bus stop 10 minutes prior to departure. The Shuttle Service is currently a free service and is an extension of the South Perth Service operated by Horizons West. Simply tell the bus driver that only travelling to PLC and do not require to pay.
Transperth operates special school buses during term time. Buses deliver students to school by 8.30 am and depart the campus at approximately 3.30 pm. Please refer to the Transperth website for detailed information on bus routes and a travel planner.
For your first time travelling on public transport visit for tips on travelling to and from school.
Please be aware that Transperth operates bus services, including both nominated public timetabled trips that deviate to serve schools and dedicated school specials, in accordance with the State Government gazetted school term. This differs to the PLC school term so arrangements will need to be made on the days that Transperth are not operating.