We want our international students to feel at home when they are far from home.
A dedicated team of support staff ensures our international students are well looked after and that they feel valued at PLC. The Head of Senior School and the Registrar support the social and academic needs of international students. The Registrar is available for specific questions and concerns, including, student visa obligations, overseas student health cover and any other issues relating to the transition of study and living in a different country at no additional cost to the students or their families.
Email Molly Atterton on registrar@plc.wa.edu.au or call (08) 9424 6555 for any questions.
Points of Contact
Extra Support
Under the ESOS National Code all education providers must offer their international students support to help them adjust to study and life in Australia, achieve their learning goals and achieve satisfactory progress in their learning. This support is available because we recognise that Australia is a new environment for our students, as well as a different culture, with different laws and systems.
The following section outlines the support structure and services at PLC Perth. These are available to our international students, and may be accessed at no additional cost.
Support and Welfare Services available at PLC Perth
- Legal services (Fair Work Ombudsman)
- Emergency and Health Services
- Facilities, Resources and Complaints and Appeals Processes
Pastoral care and behaviour management are linked. The classroom teacher, coach, manager, teacher on duty, and all teachers are responsible for the effective care of a student. This may require interventions under the behaviour management policy and such interventions, including the impositions of sanctions, invariably have a pastoral and educative dimension.
PLC offers many levels of support for its international students, who receive help and assistance from school staff in a caring and welcoming environment.
Monitoring students’ pastoral care is the direct responsibility of the class teacher from Pre-Primary to Year 6 and the Pastoral and Academic Care Co-ordinator from Years 7 – 12. For boarding students, the Boarding House Year Co-ordinators and the Head of Boarding are responsible.
Contact details for staff are available in the relevant Handbooks for Junior and Senior Schools, and Boarding as well as the International Student Handbook. You will be introduced to your main point of contact during the Orientation process as well as the Head of the relevant school. These staff should be the first point of contact for any concerns about your child’s general welfare and progress.
The Head of Boarding has an overarching responsibility for the academic and pastoral care of the students living in the boarding house, and is supported by Boarding House Assistants. Each year group in the Boarding House has a specific Year Group Co-ordinator. The Boarding House staff meet weekly to discuss any issues arising or to plan activities.
Our School Psychologists provide a variety of services for the School community, at no additional cost to students. PLC has a full-time Chaplain who is part of our Pastoral care team. The School operates under the auspices of the Uniting Church in Australia, and attendance at a once-per- cycle Chapel Service is mandatory for all students. The Uniting Church is founded on Christian values; however, PLC welcomes students from all religions. The College has students from a variety of faith backgrounds, including Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim and Jewish.
Legal Services and the Fair Work Ombudsman
International students have the same workplace rights as all other workers in Australia. Pay rates and workplace conditions are set by Australian Law. The Fair Work Ombudsman provides free advice and assistance to all workers to help them understand their rights, and translated information is available in multiple languages in the ‘Language Help Section’ of the website. If an interpreter is required, the call line for the Translating and Interpreting Service is 131 450. In the event of concerns, or you require to seek legal advice, please speak with your Pastoral and Academic Care Co-ordinator or the Registrar.
Health Centre
PLC’s Health Centre is adjacent to the Boarding House. The Health Centre is managed and staffed by experienced registered nurses who are always available if you have a query about your child’s health status, or an enquiry of a general nature. To ensure the College has appropriate contact, medical information and consent to assist your student whilst enrolled at PLC, please ensure you fill out relevant medical information and consent as soon as possible. You will be informed of any significant care your child receives whilst attending PLC, or contacted by the Registered Nurse on duty if your child requires hospital care. All medical information is kept in strict confidence, and any access to this information is regulated by Health Centre Manager in conjunction with parents and guardians.