Welcome to the PLC Senior School
It is important to us that your daughter is known and valued and that her academic progress and wellbeing are monitored and developed. In the Senior School our staff work as a team to support your daughter’s development.
The Benefit of PLC Private Girls High School
All Year groups in the Senior School have a Pastoral and Academic Care Co-ordinator (PACC), who is the first point of contact for our girls and their families and bring to life the true value a connected community has in supporting and developing our girls.
Paired Year Groups
Pairing Years 7 – 8; 9 – 10; and 11 – 12 strengthens the development of targeted and age-appropriate academic, wellbeing, leadership, sports, arts and service programmes.
This supports our commitment to both Personalised Learning and Academic Achievement through designated, year-specific, senior staff. These staff are responsible for the day-to-day pastoral care, academic and wellbeing needs of individual students.
Academic Tracking
The Pastoral and Academic Care Co-ordinator who monitors your daughter’s learning progression and achievement will be the first point of contact for both you and your daughter on all academic matters. This ensures improved identification of any academic issues or extension requirements, allowing staff to support individual student needs through implementation of intervention programs and the creation and monitoring of academic benchmarks. The programme also includes study skills classes, learning profiling and free tutoring.
Have a Question?
Register for one of our Community Tours, or alternatively, you can email registrar@plc.wa.edu.au or call 9424 6413.