PLC Perth is proud to offer a range of scholarships and bursaries for current and prospective students.


Download the Scholarship Guide by clicking below.

Before making an application for a scholarship, please take the time to read all the information in the Scholarship Guide.  You will learn about the types of scholarships on offer, the selection criteria, as well as the process of applying for a scholarship.






Key Dates

2026 Scholarship applications open

2026 Indigenous Scholarship applications open

2026 Scholarship applications close

2026 Indigenous Scholarship applications close

18 November 2024

January 2025

24 January 2025

April 2025

Scholarship Testing Date

Junior and Senior School Tour



Wednesday 5 February 2025

An Information Session and Campus Tour will be held on Scholarship Day for parents of scholarship applicants. Please click here to book your place.




Academic and General Excellence Scholarships - Years 5 to 10

Applications for 2026 now open. 

Academic Scholarships

  • Applications are open to prospective students entering Years 5 – 10 in 2026, and current students entering Year 7 in 2026.
  • Academic Scholarships are awarded to students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and are awarded based on the results of a competitive examination and a personal interview for short-listed candidates.

General Excellence Scholarships

  • Applications are open to prospective students entering Years 5 – 10 in 2026, and current students entering Year 7 in 2026.
  • General Excellence Scholarships are awarded  following academic testing, a personal interview and evidence of active participation in a range of activities like Sport, the Arts and Community Service. These activities could be school or community based.

All scholarships offered are subject to academic testing, which will be held on Wednesday 5 February 2025. Scholarships will cover a tuition fee reduction of varying values from 15 to 50 percent.

Music Scholarships - Years 5 to 10

Applications for 2026 now open. 

  • Applications are open to prospective students entering Years 5 – 10 in 2026, and current students entering Year 7 in 2026.
  • Music Scholarships are awarded to students who demonstrate musical excellence and/or musical potential.

All scholarships offered are subject to academic testing, which will be held on Wednesday 5 February 2025. Scholarships will cover a tuition fee reduction of varying values from 15 to 50 percent.

Click here to download the Scholarship Teacher Reference Form.

Performing Arts Scholarships - Years 7 to 10

Applications for 2026 now open. 

  • Applications are open to prospective students entering Years 7 – 10 in 2026, and current students entering Year  7 in 2026.
  • Performing Arts Scholarships are awarded to students who demonstrate an outstanding ability in Drama, Dance and/or Musical Theatre. It is expected that Performing Arts Scholarship holders will take every opportunity to involve themselves in the Performing Arts, both within the PLC curriculum as well as the co-curricular programme.

All scholarships offered are subject to academic testing, which will be held on Wednesday 5 February 2025. Scholarships will cover a tuition fee reduction of varying values from 15 to 50 percent.

Foundation Means-Tested Scholarships

Applications for 2026 now open. 

Each year, the PLC Foundation offers scholarships to students who would otherwise be unable to attend PLC due to their family’s financial circumstances.

The PLC Foundation Scholarship is offered to students commencing in Year 7 and provides 100 per cent tuition fees from Year 7 to Year 12. Applicants must provide a sound academic record, a commitment to community service, and participation in co-curricular activities. More information can be found in the Scholarship Guide at the top of the page.

Closing date: 24 January 2025

How to Apply

Please download and complete the application form and statutory declaration form below. Completed forms, along with the requested supporting documentation, should be emailed to the PLC Foundation at

Following the closing date, a shortlist of candidates who have applied for the Foundation Scholarship will be asked to sit academic testing, which will be held at PLC on Wednesday 5 February 2025. Applicants must be available to sit the testing on this date, and the costs will be covered by the PLC Foundation.

Please note that Foundation Scholarship applicants are NOT required to apply via the Academic Assessment Services testing link above. Applications must be sent directly to the PLC Foundation.

Please contact Daisy Bahen at the PLC Foundation if you have any questions. | (08) 9424 6534


Indigenous Scholarships – Years 7 to 10

Applications for 2026 now open. 

Presbyterian Ladies’ College provides outstanding educational opportunities for girls in a warm and caring environment. Indigenous Scholarships are offered to students entering Years 7 to 10 in 2026.

Applicants will be chosen according to current academic progress, proven application to study, willingness to contribute to the PLC community, leadership qualities and motivation for tertiary study. Applications will only be considered if all relevant documentation has been uploaded by the due date. 


  • Students must identify as an Indigenous Australian.
  • Students should have sufficient self-confidence and personal support to enter a new school with the intention of continuing to Year 12.
  • Students must be eligible for Abstudy.

How to Apply

Applications should include:

  • Indigenous Scholarship Application Form – available to download here
  • Written Reference Form – available to download here
  • Most recent school report of the applicant
  • Year 3, 5 and or/7 NAPLAN results
  • Birth Certificate
  • A sample of written work undertaken in the last term (eg a research project, creative writing, essay, or other assignments)
  • A handwritten statement from the applicant outlining why she is seeking the scholarship and addressing the selection criteria below.

Applications should be emailed to or mailed to the following address by Friday 18 April 2025:

Katherine Hazlewood
Deputy – PLC Boarding
Presbyterian Ladies’ College
PO Box 126

Selection Criteria

Academic levels and achievements of a student are considered but are not the predominant criteria for selection. Selection is based on consideration of the following criteria:

1. Academic – Students should demonstrate:

  • Sufficient study skills to cope with the demands of the curriculum;
  • Good work habits (eg completing homework, preparedness to tackle new work);
  • Interest in learning; and
  • Reasonable literacy and numeracy levels for age level.

2. Talent – Applicants may demonstrate outstanding talent in a particular field of endeavour such as in sport, art, dance, music, drama, leadership, etc.

3. Commitment – Students must demonstrate preparedness to commit to stay at the School until the completion of Year 12.

4. Attitude – Students must demonstrate a positive attitude towards learning, be able to adjust to and respond positively to the School environment and have the social skills and confidence to relate well with others.

Parental/Guardian Support

Students must have the support of their family and/or community. This will require emotional support and financial contribution. The level of financial contribution is reviewed on an individual and highly confidential basis, with the expectation that families and/or communities will contribute according to their capacity. The Scholarship does not cover the provision of pocket money or other optional school activities or tours. Families are expected to participate in School programmes and information sessions (as much as distance and travel permits) and be supportive of their daughter’s education.

For further information, please contact the Katherine Hazlewood on (08) 9424 6426 or


Music Bursaries

Applications are now closed. Opening May 2025.

Music Instrumental/Vocal Bursaries are available to girls in Years 7 – 12. Music Bursaries are awarded based on musical excellence as well as the current needs within the PLC Music Department.

The award of Music Bursaries is based on a music audition/interview only. Click the links below to access the Music Bursary Information and Application Forms.


Old Collegians' Association Bursaries and Scholarships

OCA Bursary applications are now closed.

Each year the PLC Old Collegians’ Association Inc. awards three bursaries.

The Olive Cusack Bursary

This bursary recognises a boarding student currently in Years 7 to 9 for the following year. The selected student should demonstrate an understanding of the needs of others, participate in a wide range of activities organised by the School community, and show a commitment to personal excellence, particularly in the Boarding House.

The successful recipient will receive $5,000 towards tuition fees in the following year.

The Olive Cusack Bursary Application and Information

The Dr Vera Summers Bursary

This bursary is open to a daughter, grand-daughter or great-grandaughter of an Old Collegian currently in Year 10 for Year 11. The selected student should demonstrate an exemplary character, attitude, conduct and academic achievement.

The successful recipient will receive $5,000 towards tuition fees in the following year.

Dr Vera Summers Bursary Application and Information

The Heather Barr Memorial Bursary

This bursary recognises participation and contribution to PLC and is open to all current Year 11 students for Year 12 who most clearly displays the qualities which reflect the principles espoused by Miss Barr. The selected student should be dedicated to the ideals and educational objectives of the school and she will have distinguished herself by showing selflessness, tolerance and compassion towards her peers and her juniors, demonstrating the maturity and judgment she has acquired during her years at PLC.

The successful recipient will receive $5,000 towards tuition fees in the following year

The Heather Barr Memorial Bursary Application & Information

The OCA Career Accelerator Programme Scholarships

The PLC Old Collegians Association (OCA) offers five scholarships annually to attend an immersive Career Accelerator Programme hosted in Perth.

The Career Accelerator Programme has been designed to bridge the gap between academic learning and real-world application. Fast-tracking careers by partnering with leading corporate organisations, creating an unparalleled experience that immerses hands-on learning, fosters problem-solving abilities, and connects with influential mentors.

This 6 day residential (breakfast/lunch/dinner) programme provides a unique opportunity to work alongside industry professionals who are passionate about nurturing young talent. Working through real-world scenarios, providing invaluable insights into the expectations and challenges when entering the workforce.

These OCA Scholarships are open to members of the OCA who are in their final year or mid way through their undergraduate degree. Each scholarship is for $2,000 to cover the cost of participating in this Career Accelerator Programme.

The OCA Career Accelerator Programme Scholarships Application & Information



For more information, please contact Molly and Jane in our Admissions Team at or on (08) 9424 6555.