We invite you to join the 2024 Term 4 PLC Parents Annual General Meeting. This will be a combination of an in-person and online meeting, hosted on Zoom via the link below.

We look forward to welcoming many of you to our PLC Parents Term 4 Annual General Meeting. Join us to hear from Principal Cate Begbie, along with the latest news from across the PLC community.

We will hold the meeting in person and online, hosted on Zoom via the button below. In person attendees are welcome to join us for social drinks and nibbles prior to the meeting from 5.30 pm.

All PLC parents and guardians are welcome to attend.

  • Date: Wednesday 6 November 2024
  • Location: The PLC Lighthouse and online (via Zoom)
  • Meeting Time: 6.00 pm – 7.00 pm

For planning purposes, please register your attendance here.

Online Access: To join the meeting online, please click here.
Meeting ID: 961 2874 0188
Passcode: 06112024

The Meeting Agenda and previous PLC Parents Term 3 Meeting Minutes and 2023 AGM Minutes can be downloaded here.

We welcome expressions of interest from anyone that may be interested in wider PLC Parents volunteering roles, including Year Group Parent Representatives. Please speak to your current Parent Representatives or email  plcparents@plc.wa.edu.au

We are an inclusive team and welcome new members to take on active and rewarding roles within PLC Parents.

Additional technology will be used to help conduct the meeting effectively and bring in the views and voices of all participants. Having access to a second internet-enabled device, such as your phone or a browser window, during the meeting would be helpful.