We are delighted to announce another year of outstanding ATAR results from our graduating class.
Our Class of 2023 ATAR students achieved a median ATAR of 90.65.
An incredible 29 students achieved an ATAR of 95 or higher. Pictured are 15 of those students who came back to PLC yesterday for a celebratory photo which also allowed our Principal, Ms Cate Begbie, to congratulate them in person. We look forward to welcoming many students back to PLC next year for our Academic Recognition Assembly and hearing all about their future plans.
Our top-performing and ATAR Dux student this year was Yvonne Cui who achieved an ATAR of 99.6.
An impressive total of six students have achieved an ATAR over 99. Yvonne Cui, Claire Dean, Sophia Gianotti, Cynthia Guan, Tess Marinko, and Jessica Wolf.
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority also released the 2023 Exhibitions and Awards today with several PLC students receiving awards.
Jessica Wolf was awarded the General Exhibition (ATSI) which is awarded to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student who achieves the highest WACE award score. In addition, Jessica was awarded the Subject Certificate of Excellence: Mathematics Applications. She also received a Certificate of Distinction.
Cassandra Beresford was awarded the Subject Exhibition: Food Science and Technologies (she came 1st in the state) and a Subject Certificate of Excellence: Food Science and Technology. A Subject Certificate of Excellence is awarded to students who are in the top 0.5%.
Emily Stein was awarded a Subject Certificate of Excellence: Food Science and Technology.
Tess Marinko was awarded a Subject Certificate of Excellence: Literature.
Cynthia Guan achieved 100% in Chinese: First Language. Although this was the highest mark, no subject exhibition is awarded for courses where there are fewer than 100 students enrolled.
15 students from PLC received a Certificate of Distinction and 43 students received a Certificate of Merit.
At PLC, we proudly offer three pathways for students to achieve their Western Australian Certificate of Education:
- Vocational Education and Training, and
- the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.
In 2023, 107 students completed a WACE ATAR pathway, 21 students completed a WACE General pathway (14 students with a VET Certificate III or IV, and 5 students with a Certificate II), and 23 students are awaiting results for the International Diploma Programme which are released in January.
While we are incredibly proud of each and every student for all they have personally achieved this year, we know that no student should ever be defined by a number – whether that be an ATAR or any other. What these numbers don’t reflect are the character traits that each of these students possess: strength, capability, compassion, and bravery. A number doesn’t show how many hours they have committed to community service, nor the way that many of our students excel in a broad range of disciplines and live the ethos of a true PLC all-rounder. It doesn’t recognise their resilient character, their have-a-go attitude, or their supportive and encouraging nature. That is why while we are very proud of these excellent results, we are even prouder of how they have embraced every opportunity PLC has offered, led themselves and others authentically, and prepared themselves for a life of personal success in our ever-evolving world.
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