At PLC, we see first-hand the benefits of an all-girls school. Backed by research conducted by the Alliance of Girls’ School Australasia, we have listed the top 10 facts about girls’ schools and why you should choose them for your daughter.
1. At Girls’ Schools, Student WELLBEING Comes First
Girls’ schools also prioritise creating a safe and supportive environment with a strong focus on wellbeing. At PLC, we build our focus on wellbeing into every aspect at PLC from the curriculum to daily life, we also have a dedicated wellbeing centre called the PLC Lighthouse.
2. At Girls’ Schools, Students Feel EMPOWERED to Defy Gender Stereotypes
Girls’ schools provide an opportunity to address gender bias and stereotypes that can be perpetuated in coeducational settings. In these environments, young women are encouraged to pursue any academic or co-curricular interest they may have, without fear of being judged or limited by traditional gender roles or expectations. This can help girls develop a more expansive view of their own potential and create a more inclusive and equitable society.
3. At Girls’ Schools Students Do BETTER Academically, Socially and Emotionally
Studies have shown that girls’ schools consistently outperform co-educational schools when it comes to academic success. Girls in single-sex environments tend to score higher on standardised tests and ATARs than their counterparts in co-ed schools. This is due in part to the focused and supportive learning environment that girls’ schools provide, as well as the absence of some of the distractions that can arise in mixed-gender classrooms.
4. At Girls’ Schools, There’s HIGHER PARTICIPATION in Sport and Physical Activity
Research suggests that girls’ schools offer a more supportive environment for female athletes, which leads to a higher participation rate. Girls’ schools have more sports teams and programmes tailored specifically for girls, which increases opportunities for girls to participate in sports. Additionally, girls’ schools foster a culture that values female athletes and supports their participation in sports.
5. Girls’ School Better Prepare Students for CAREER and LIFE SUCCESS
At a girls’ school, students are more likely to participate in class and take on leadership roles, which can help them develop the skills they need to succeed in their future careers. Studies have shown that these girls are more willing to be curious by asking questions, take risks, make mistakes, express creativity, and be involved – skills that will allow students to successfully navigate life beyond school.
6. Participation in STEM is HIGHER at Girls’ Schools
Research has shown that girls’ schools can improve academic performance, particularly in Maths and Science. Without the distractions and gender stereotypes present in coeducational classrooms, girls are more likely to develop a strong interest and ability in these subjects.
7. Students in Girs’ Schools Are MORE Confident, Self-aware and Resilient
Girls’ schools provide a safe and supportive environment that allows young women to build their confidence and self-esteem.
8. Students Experience Less Bullying and GREATER RESPECT at a Girls’ School
Studies suggest that girls’ schools experience lower rates of bullying as they place a greater emphasis on creating a supportive and respectful environment where students feel safe and included. Additionally, private girls’ schools are better equipped to address and prevent bullying, as they have more resources and staff trained in identifying and addressing bullying behaviors.
9. Students From Girls’ Schools Have HIGHER ASPIRATIONS and Ambitions
In a girls’ school environment surrounded by strong, inspiring female role models, girls are more likely to see women in leadership roles and to have female mentors who can provide guidance and support. This helps young women develop a strong sense of self-worth and empowers them to pursue their goals and aspirations.
10. Students in Girls’ Schools Are HAPPIER and Feel They Belong
Girls’ schools provide a strong sense of community and sisterhood, which is beneficial for young women. This provides a support system that is not available in coeducational schools, which helps girls navigate the challenges of adolescence. Girls’ schools foster a culture that values and celebrates the achievements of female students which is exactly what we do at PLC – we inspire each student to achieve their personal best! Our approach increases self-esteem and feelings of belonging. Additionally, girls’ schools provide a more collaborative and nurturing learning environment that promotes positive social connections and support networks.
Next Steps
The best way to discover more about a school is to take a tour and at PLC we offer regular Community Tours and Registrar’s Tours.
Click here to book a tour at the leading private girls’ school in Perth.
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