Introducing the PLC Psychology Team
At PLC, we have a team of experienced psychologists who are here to support students, families and staff to help them get the best out of school life.
Daleen Engelbrecht
Lead Psychologist (Pre-Primary – Year 12)
(08) 9460 6126
Nicole Agar
Senior School Psychologist (Years 9 – 10)
(08) 9460 6146
Claudia Claudia Baron-Croston
Senior School Psychologist (Years 8, 11, and 12)
(08) 9460 6116
Ariana Balalas
Junior School Psychologist
(08) 9460 6136
What Does a School Psychologist Do?
School psychologists have specific expertise in mental health, developmental psychology, learning and behaviour through their study of cognition, memory, learning, and the processes that determine how people think, feel, behave and react. School psychologists help students optimise their academic potential, support their psychological health and wellbeing, as well as their social and emotional wellbeing.
They work on many levels across a school. They support the whole school by implementing programs to address specific school-wide focus areas, provide psycho-education, mental health support, instructional support, prevention and intervention services and skills training. They also work with specific groups to address specific challenges. On an individual level, school psychologists offer individual counselling and support for all students, and support early and ongoing intervention for students with a disability and/or learning difficulty.
Accessing Psychology Services at PLC
Junior School
Generally, a referral to the Junior School Psychologist may be raised with the parent/carer. This conversation may be initiated by the child’s class teacher or other relevant staff member. Parents/carers can also approach the School and request support, if they are concerned that their child is experiencing challenges or difficulties that are impacting on her ability to access life at PLC optimally. The parent/carer will need to sign a consent form agreeing to the service.
Senior School
The usual practice is for students and/or their parent(s) to discuss their concerns or difficulties with the Pastoral and Academic Care Co-ordinator, who will then refer the student to a Senior School Psychologist if deemed necessary or appropriate. Students can also access psychology services directly, by emailing any of the PLC psychologists or booking an appointment at the Lighthouse reception. There may be circumstances when a student consents to a referral from a staff member other than their Pastoral and Academic Care Co-ordinator.
More general information about the role of a school psychologist can be found here.
The PLC Psychology Team is fortunate to have close working relationships with the Pastoral Care Team, Lighthouse Flexi Learning, Lighthouse Leavers, Co-curricular activities and other initiatives across the school with the mental health component.
We are looking forward to providing the best possible services to the PLC School community throughout 2020.