The School relies on the continued dedication of a large number of support groups who foster friendships and communication as well as support PLC with important events and activities.

Argyle Club

The Argyle Club works to fundraise and host social events during the winter rowing season. Parents of current PLC rowing students are automatically provided with membership to the Club. Past rowers and their parents can continue their association with the Club after leaving PLC by becoming financial members.

Friends of Boarding

Parents and Guardians are a vital part of our boarding community. Friends of Boarding provides a platform for communication between boarding parents/guardians and the Boarding House. The group meets once a term and all parents/guardians of boarding students are welcome to attend in the interest of maintaining a vibrant and happy boarding house for our boarders.

Friends of Music

Friends of Music is an inclusive group representing all parents of music students at PLC. At various times throughout the year parents are invited (through email communication) to support a range of Music Department activities including, concerts, camps and social events.

Friends of Pipe Band

Friends of Pipe Band are a group of enthusiastic parents who wish to promote and support the Pipe Band programme at PLC. They co-ordinate a number of fundraising activities and social events, as well as providing practical support to all areas of the Pipe Band programme. They meet once a term and produce a newsletter to report the band’s activities and initiatives.

For more information on any of the support groups, please contact the Communications and Engagement Department
Phone: 08 9424 6581